Friday, July 15, 2011

"Legal Alien/Extranjera Legal" Before You Read

I feel trapped and stuck between two worlds. Those two worlds are reality and fantasy. I'm always thinking about how my life could of been in my fantasy world. When I come back to reality, it's completely different. I try everything I can to make my life better and how I want it to be like in my fantasy world. But I know that some fantasy things can't really happen. I would rather live in my fantasy world then in reality sometimes. Until this day, I'm still to face reality. Someone once told me "Open your eyes to reality and stop living in your fantasy world. Because someday you'll have to face them in the future. So open now then later, or you're going to regret it." After I was told that, I went in thinking mode. I thought about trying to open my eyes to reality. It was hard at first but little by little reality is getting harder and making me a better person today.


  1. this is really good i love it and yeah you will and it is making you a better person by the minuteee

  2. Wow that is a very good post. It is hard.
